Time to have a look back as it is seven years since Propax a Metal band from Manchester, England released their Ep 'Fight Machine' these guys are a angry bunch, We have four bone crunching tracks to enjoy. First up we have 'Fight Machine' on vocals the scream machine that is Sean Slinger. Then comes a crowd favorite 'Like A Truck' and this will have you singing along. The man on Bass is Kevin Lyons. 'Human Fuse' is up next with another riot of a song. Beating the ffuck out the skins on Drums is James Robertson. The 'Bauer' brings us to the end of a Ep. That you will be putting on repeat and screaming your lungs out and singing along. The guy pulling the strings on Guitar with Riff after Riff is Gary Wise. So like you said guys, Time for another release time is ticking...Tick Tick Tick Boooom.
Vocals...Sean Slinger
Guitar...Gary Wise
Bass...Kevin Lyons
Drums...James Robertson