Melodic Death Metal Band Beyond shadows who hail from New York, USA. They have released a New Album 'Beyond Shadows' containing Ten tracks. Here are some of the standout tracks. Opener 'Where No Sorrow Follows' comes raging right at you, Furious Riffs and Blasting Drums. 'My Anger' brings the brutality alive. Some Awesome Riffage here. 'My Love' lovely soothing Melodic start that will have the feet tapping away, This is Fucking Awesome. 'The March Goes On' welcome to the Mosh pit Anthem, Brutal as Fuck. 'Beyond Shadows' will have the Head Banging at full pelt. Finishing the Album with 'Existence pt 1(Anguished) & pt 2' (Existence) What an amazing Album. These guys were sent to make the Earth move and that what they do,
Vocals/Guitar...Daniel Shepherd
Drums...Chris Hawkins