Rock Band Derailed to hail from Thessaloniki, Greece. They have released a New Single & Video 'Getting Ready' This one Hell of a Rockin Track. It will have you singing along, I'TS TIME TO TAKE THE WHEEL,KEEP IT STEADY,LOCK YOUR DOORS, 'GETTING READY' What a chorus. The guy with the Amazing Vocals is Iraklis Hatzi. Ripping it up on Guitar is Kostis Giannis with some Awesome Riffs. Keeping the pulse alive on Bass is Jean Anatol. Bringing the Thunder on Drums we have Kostas Papageorgiou. WoW what a track. Looking forward to hearing more from Derailed.
Vocals...Irakis Hatzi
Guitar...Kostis Giannis
Bass...Jean Anatol
Drums...Kostas Papageorgiou