Heavy Metal Band Els Focs Negres who hail from Portugal. Have releaesd a Eight track Album 'Els Focs Negres' Some of the tracks are sang in their chosen language of Catalan. Here are some of the standout tracks. Opener 'Focs Negres' (Black Fires) This will have your head banging to the Galloping Guitars Riffs from Hugo 'Rattlesnake' Serp and Marco Marouco. 'Les Nits Grotesques' (The Grotesque Nights) This brings the Anger out of the Frontman on Vocals Monsenyor Belathauzer Of Death. Then we get a Awesome Instrumental 'Tenebres Nostra Senyora De Montserrat' (Darkness Our Lady Of Montserrat). Great work. Then comes 'Metal No Mercy' Keeping the Vibe on Bass is Rick El Regni. Then we get a Nine minute Epic 'Fux Malefic' (Evil Flow) This brings the Hammerhead on Drums Marko Schmerzen. This brings us to the final track which is a Cover of Tanks 'Turn Your Head Around' This is a Album for all Metal Heads.
Vocals...Monsenyor Belathauzer Of Death
Guitar...Hugo 'Rattlesnake' Serp
Bass...Rick El Regni
Guitar...Marco Marouco
Drums...Marko Schmerzen