Heavy Metal Band Escudo who hail from Venezuela. They have released a Six track EP 'Emigranre' Here are a few of the standout tracks. Opening track 'Estragos' is a Beautiful Instrumental with the Joyous Riffs of the Guitars coming from Miguel Gutierrez and Pablo Martin. The Title track is up next 'Emigrante' With the powerof the Vocals and the Pulse of the Bass we have Jean Parra. All tracks are sang in their native tonuge. But still plenty to enjoy. 'Vida Rockera' Will have you Yelling along. 'Evitando El Ablinde' this is a herd hitter. Bringing the Thunder of the Drums is Miguel Ramierez. Ending the Ep with a Excellent Bass Solo 'Retorno'. These guys can sure play. Great release.
Vocals/Bass...Jean Parra
Guitar...Miguel Gutierrez
Drums...Miguel Ramierez
Guitar...Pablo Martin