Great Master are a Power Metal Band who hail from Venice, Italy. They have released their New Single & Video 'Shadow Of The Sundered Star' The main thing that hits you here is the Power of Stefano Sbrignadello's Voice. Excellent delivery. The searching Keys coming the way of Giorgio Peccenini. Supplying the Explosive Beat of the Drums is Tommaso Zandinella. Making the Guitars cry out to the Gods of the Stars we have Jahn Carlini & Manuel Menin. Shaking the Earths core with the Vibe of the Bass is Massimo David. This is an Excellent track. Looking forward to hearing more from these.
Vocals...Stefano Sbrignadello
Guitar...Manuel Menin
Bass...Massimo David
Keys...Giorgio Peccenini
Guitar...Jahn Carlini
Drums...Tommaso Zandinello