Terraformer are a Post-Metal Band who hail from Belgium. They have released a New Video and Single 'Cerberus' Taken from their upcoming Album 'Rebirth'. This is their first Album with a Vocalist as before they were a Instrumental Band. Bringing the Brutal and Soothing Vocals is Nabil Sanaullah. Bring the sound of crashing waves and Calming of the sea on Guitars we have Mat Charray and JP Beaufays. Some Awesome work here. The Vibe of the Bass coming the way of Oli Lambillon. Keeping the heads Banging along on Drums is Lionel Lhoest. Awesome track...Bring on the Album.
Vocals...Nabil Sanullah
Guitar...Mat Charray
Bass...Oli Lambillon
Guitar...JP Beaufays
Drums...Lionel Lhoest